Сигарева Д.Д., А.Г. Бабич, А.А. Бабич.
Фитопаразитические нематоды хмеля и приемы регуляции их численности в Украине
// Нематоды естественных и трансформированных экосистем. Сборник научных статей. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2011. C. 90-92
There were found 30 species of nematodes belong to 26 genus, 18 families and 5 orders in a rhizosphere of the hop. Parasitic species represented by genera Heterodera, Ditylenchus, Pratylenchus, Paratylenchus, Tylenchorinchus, Helicotylenchus, Longidorus. Heterodera humuli and Ditylenchus destructor mainly distributed and damage to the old hop plantations. To protect the hop from parasitic nematodes it was offered the method of cutting damaged parts of mother roots. Influence of mineral and organic fertilizers on complex parasitic nematodes was studied. Optimum doses of chemical protection means to control the numbers of a complex of parasitic nematodes were established. Monitoring of parasitic nematodes and application of system of hop protection were improved.
Фитопаразитические нематоды хмеля и приемы регуляции их численности в Украине (249 Kb, скачиваний: 288)
Последние изменения: 24 мая 2012