
Scientific publications

О.В. Мясникова.
Влияние типоморфных особенностей основных породообразующих минералов на физико-механические свойства горных пород
// Результаты фундаментальных и прикладных исследований по разработке методик технологической оценки руд металлов и промышленных минералов на ранних стадиях геологоразведочных работ. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006. C. 145-149
Myasnikova, O.V. The effect of the typomorphic characteristics of major rock-forming minerals on the physico-mechanical properties of rocks // Results of fundamental and applied studies on methods for technological evalution of metallic ores and industrial minerals at the early stages of geological prospecting. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2006. Pp. 145-149
The effect of the typomorphic characteristics of major rock-forming minerals on the physico-mechanical properties of the rocks used as facing stone is discussed. Karelian granite deposits are used as examples. The chemical composition, mineralogical-petrographic and physico-mechanical characteristics of various types of facing granites were studied and the results obtained are presented. Changes in physico-mechanical parameters are shown to be caused chiefly by the composition, typomorphism and percentage of feldspar and the presence of dark-coloured minerals in granites.

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Last modified: January 29, 2007