
Milyanchuk Nikolai Petrovich

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Dissertation title: Fish population of lake-river system Lizhma River (bass. Lake Onega) under commodity trout cultivation

Contact phone(s): +7 953-536-3381 / Fax: +7(8142) 76-98-10
Address: 11 Pushkinskaya Street
185910, Russia

Scientific speciality: ichthyology

Education: PetrSU

Major research trends: ichthyology, ecology of Fish

Keywords: ichthyology, lake-river system, the bass. Onega lake, ecosystems

Scientific publications:

Ilmast N.V., Sterligova O.P., Kuchko J.A., Kuchko T.Y., Savosin D.S., Pavlovsky S.A., Milyanchuk N.P. Features hydrobiocenoses Gimolskoe lake (Karelia) // Function and dynamics of aquatic ecosystems in the conditions of climate change and human impacts. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference dedicated to the memory of outstanding hydrobiologist GG Winberg (12-17 October 2015, Saint-Petersburg, Russia). - St. Petersburg: "LEM" Publisher. P.93-94.
Ilmast N.V., Kuchko J.A., Milyanchuk N.P. Aquatic ecosystems of specially protected areas of Karelia // Bulletin of Samara Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Volume 17, №6. 2015. P.299-303.
Ilmast N.V., Ivanov S.I., Sterligova O.P., Milyanchuk N.P. Monitoring of certain species of fish resource of Lake Onega // Collection of articles XIII International Scientific and Practical Conference natural-resource potential, ecology and sustainable development of regions of Russia. 2015. Penza: RIO PGSKHA. P.33-35.

Curriculum Vitae:
Born in Petrozavodsk 02/11/1990, graduated from the Mashezerskaya secondary school in 2009 (the average full-time education), studied at the ecological-biological faculty of Petrozavodsk State University (2009 - 2014), graduated from the ecological-biological faculty of Petrozavodsk State University in 2014 (higher education). Since 2014 postgraduate studies at the Institute of Biology, Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences (Laboratory of ecology of fish and aquatic invertebrates).

Last modified: February 12, 2020