Scientific publications
М.М. Лери.
Об условиях устойчивости случайных графов интернет-типа
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 5. Сер. Математическое моделирование и информационные технологии. Вып. 3. 2012. C. 49-53
M.M. Leri. On robustness of power-law random graphs // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. Vol. 3. 2012. Pp. 49-53
Keywords: random graph, simulation modelling, graph robustness
We consider random graphs with vertex degrees being drawn independently from a power-law distribution with parameter τ in the interval (1; 2). By computer simulation we study the resistance of such graphs to .target attacks. such as removal of vertices with the highest degree and to .random breakdowns., i.e. to equiprobable vertex removal. We show how graph structure characteristics (sizes of the giant and the second components, and the number of components) change with vertex deletion depending on the graph size N and parameter τ . The probability of graph destruction depending on N and τ was modeled for both cases.
trudy_2012_5_049.pdf (300 Kb, total downloads: 391)
Last modified: November 21, 2012