
Scientific publications

Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Математическое моделирование и информационные технологии. Вып. 4
2013. 140 с.
Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. Vol. 4. 2013. 140 p.
Indexed at RSCI

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Articles in journal:

B.Z. Belashev. Analisys of the distribution of seismic events from the NEIC catalog4
G.A. Borisov, T.P. Tikhomirova. Methods to minimize energy and power losses in the regional fuel-and-energy sector12
V.N. Gridin, A.Yu. Golubin, M.N. Petrova. Optimal per-claim insurance and optimal reinsurance of summary risk in a static setting17
A.L. Zabrovskiy. The criterion of quality assessment of educational multimedia streams transmitted in real time mode26
Yu.V. Zaika. Model of hydrogen thermodesorption from metal-organic frameworks33
K.A. Zamuraev, A.V. Prasolov. Model of regulating the St. Petersburg economy by the investment flow38
N.V. Kablukova, A.V. Sokolov. Mathematical analysis of a way of presenting two FIFO queues in shared memory46
V.A. Kashtanov, O.B. Zaytseva. On minimax approaches to problems of safety55
А.N. Kirillov. Finite time stabilization of controllable dynamical systems68
A.O. Oleynikov. Numerical optimization of parallel processing in a stationary environment73
E.S. Petrova. On the limit behaviour of number of trees of a given size in a random unlabelled unrooted forest79
A.A. Pechnikov. Application of webometric techniques for investigation of the web space of scientific organization (a case study of Karelian Research Centre of RAS)86
A.L. Rabinovich, D.V. Zhurkin. An importance sampling for Monte Carlo simulation of a continuous spectrum of conformations of macromolecules96
E.V. Khvorostyanskaya. On random Poisson allocation to cells112
S.P. Chistiakov. Random forests: an overview117
Last modified: May 20, 2016