Scientific publications
Б.З. Белашев.
Анализ распределений сейсмических событий каталога «NEIC»
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Математическое моделирование и информационные технологии. Вып. 4. 2013. C. 4-11
B.Z. Belashev. Analisys of the distribution of seismic events from the NEIC catalog // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Mathematical Modeling and Information Technologies. Vol. 4. 2013. Pp. 4-11
Keywords: earthquake, catalog, seismicity, Earth's crust, mantle, domain, hypocenter, magnitude, distribution, spectra, bifurcation.
Using data from the «NEIC» catalog of earthquakes the distributions of the seismic events were built, and their space, time, energy and spectral parameters were assessed. We show that the current seismicity has specific characteristics pertinent to the Earth's crust, mantle and lithosphere domains. The long-lived centers of seismic activity were identified.
trudy_2013_1_004-11.pdf (740 Kb, total downloads: 319)
Last modified: July 7, 2013