Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 14
2013. 138 с.
Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Biogeography. Series 14. 2013. 138 p.
Indexed at RSCI
N.E. Koroleva, A.R. Loshkareva. How a key area on the boundary between tundra and forest tundra in the Kola peninsula is reflected in existing vegetation maps | 3 |
V.Yu. Neshataeva, A.O. Pesterov, A.P. Korablyov. Plant communities of the hot spring surroundings in the Uzon volcano caldera (Eastern Kamchatka) | 22 |
A.A. Bobrov, E.V. Chemeris, D.A. Philippov. Materials on the flora of the Vologda region | 39 |
E.A. Borovichev. Liverworts flora (Marchantiophyta) of the Nyavka-Tundra Mountains (Lapland Strict Nature Reserve, Murmansk region) | 46 |
A.G. Shiryaev. The clavarioid mycobiota of Northern Fennoscandia: is it a tundra or a boreal structure? | 55 |
V.V. Gorbach. Geographical structure of the butterfly fauna (Lepidoptera, Diurna) in Southeastern Fennoscandia | 65 |
A.G. Dvoretskiy, V.G. Dvoretskiy. Fouling community of the red king crab in Dalnezelenetskaya Bay (Eastern Murman, Barents Sea): comparative analysis of seasonal trends | 78 |
Kryshen’ A.M., Litinskiy P.Yu. Comparison and mutual verification of the geoinformation and the ecological dynamics models of forest ecosystems diversity | 86 |
Kryshen’ A., Titov A., Heikkila R., Gromtsev A., Kuznetsov O., Lindholm T., Polin A. On the boundaries of the Green Belt of Fennoscandia | 92 |
Litinskiy P.Yu. A geoinformation model of the Maanselka ridge terrestrial ecosystems | 97 |
Fadeeva M.A., Urbanavichus G.P., Ahti T. Additions to the lichen flora of the Pasvik strict nature reserve | 101 |
S.B. Skorokhodova. Additions to the mycobiota checklist of the Kivach strict nature reserve | 105 |
G.A. Yakovleva, D.I. Lebedeva, E.P. Ieshko. Ecological and fauna features of the Trematode species composition in wetland birds of Karelia | 108 |
A.B. Czhobadze, D.A. Philippov, N.K. Maksutova. New data on Lobaria scrobiculata (Scop.) Dc. in the Vologda region | 111 |
Fedorets N.G. 6th Congress of the Dokuchaev Soil Science Society in Petrozavodsk | 113 |
Р. Хейккиля, О.Л. Кузнецов. Тапио Линдхольм (к 60-летию со дня рождения) | 120 |
О.Н. Лебедева. Петр Иванович Данилов (к 75-летию со дня рождения) | 124 |
С.Ф. Комулайнен. Рецензия на книгу А. А. Протасова «Жизнь в гидросфере. Очерки по общей гидробиологии» | 127 |
Виталий Иванович Крутов (1938–2012) | 130 |
Last modified: April 19, 2016