
Scientific publications

А.А. Бобров, Е.В. Чемерис, Д.А. Филиппов.
Материалы к флоре Вологодской области
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Биогеография. Вып. 14. 2013. C. 39-45
A.A. Bobrov, E.V. Chemeris, D.A. Philippov. Materials on the flora of the Vologda region // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Biogeography. Series 14. 2013. Pp. 39-45
Keywords: new and rare species and hybrids, vascular plants, Vologda Region
Records of 40 species and 4 hybrids of vascular plants are reported, of which 8 are new for the Vologda Region, 13 are new for districts of the region, 14 are rare, 9 are species with unclear distribution. Among the considered plants 17 are regionally red-listed. Some critical remarks are made.

trudy_2013_2_039-45.pdf (202 Kb, total downloads: 570)

Last modified: July 7, 2013