
Scientific publications

В.С. Селин, Ю.В. Вышинская.
Нормативное регулирование и комплексное природохозяйственное районирование Севера и Арктики
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 5. Сер. Регион: экономика и управление. 2013. C. 31-39
V.S. Selin, Yu.V. Vyshinskaya. Normative regulation and complex nature management zoning of the North and the Arctic // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Region: Economy and Management. 2013. Pp. 31-39
Keywords: regulation, the North, the Arctic, nature management zoning, integrated approach, methods, cost rise, normative approaches.
The article presents a retrospective analysis of the methodological approaches to the zoning of northern territories of the country. Special focus is on the criteria of the discomfort level, and modern applications of this method. We demonstrate the need to pay more attention to issues of rising living and production costs, transport accessibility, etc.

trudy_2013_5_031-39.pdf (237 Kb, total downloads: 383)

Last modified: November 25, 2013