Scientific publications
М.В. Слуковская, Л.А. Иванова, Т.Т. Горбачева, С.В. Дрогобужская, Е.С. Иноземцева, Е.Ф. Марковская.
Изменение свойств техногенно загрязненного грунта при использовании карбонатитового мелиоранта в зоне воздействия медно-никелевого комбината
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 6. Сер. Экологические исследования. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2013. C. 133-142
Keywords: bioremediation, ameliorant, carbonatite wastes, grasses, industrial barren.
The results of experimental studies on the effect of the ameliorant produced of carbonatite wastes on industrially wasted ground properties and the resultant plant cover in the cooper-nickel smelter impact area are presented. Spreading of carbonatite ameliorant on top of the industrially wasted ground helped optimize pH, decrease available heavy metals, and increase the macro nutrient pool in the ground. The resultant plant cover possesses the characteristics favourable for the onset of revegetation processes.
trudy_2013_6_133-142.pdf (403 Kb, total downloads: 304)
Last modified: January 11, 2014