Scientific publications
Л.П. Свириденко.
Граниты Рапакиви Фенноскандинавского щита (на примере Карелии)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 1. Сер. Геология Докембрия. 2014. C. 17-27
L.P. Sviridenko. The rapakivi granites of the Fennoscandian shield (the case of Karelia) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 1. Precambrian geology Series. 2014. Pp. 17-27
Keywords: rapakivi granites, ovoidal texture, crystallization, fluid, porphyritic megacryst.
The article is devoted to a comparison of rapakivi granites with ovoidal texture and the associated non.ovoidal granites through microprobe analysis of such granite types from the Salmi pluton. The crystallisation of the granites ranges from the early magmatic to the hydrothermal stage. The ovoidal rapakivi granites and the associated biotite granites are comparable in their petrographic and chemical composition, but different geochemically due to differences in the fluid composition. The orthoclase ovoids are not porphyritic megacrysts in essence. The ovoidal texture of the rapakivi granites is due to the rapid growth of ovoids at the crystallization of the overheated dry melt (950–900 C and low PH O 2 ).
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Last modified: March 14, 2014