
Scientific publications

В.А. Костина, Е.А. Боровичев.
Находки редких видов сосудистых растений в Мурманской области
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 2. Сер. Биогеография. 2014. C. 155-159
V.A. Kostina, E.A. Borovichev. New records of rare species of vascular plants in the Murmansk region // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 2. Biogeography. 2014. Pp. 155-159
Keywords: vascular plants, rare species, Red Data Book, Murmansk Region.
The results of monitoring of rare vascular plants in the Pechenga District of the Murmansk Region are presented. Occurrence of five rare species – Asplenium viride Huds., Draba norvegica Gunn., Gentianopsis detonsa (Rottb.) Ma, Leucorchis albida (L.) E. Mey., Ranunculus nivalis L., previously noted from the area, was confirmed. Five species were found for the first time in the Pechenga District – Cassiope tetragona (L.) D. Don, Potentilla kuznetzowii Govor., Draba fladnizensis Wulf., D. lactea Adams, Tanacetum bipinnatum (L.) Sch.

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Last modified: April 18, 2014