
Scientific publications

Л.Б. Узенбаева, И.В. Баишникова, А.Г. Кижина, Т.Н. Ильина, В.А. Илюха, Н.Н. Тютюнник.
Морфометрические параметры лимфоцитов периферической крови лисиц (Vulpes vulpes L.)и песцов (Alopex lagopus L.) при влиянии различных доз витаминов А и Е
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 5. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2014. C. 78-85
L.B. Uzenbaeva, I.V. Baishnikova, A.G. Kizhina, T.N. Ilyina, V.A. Ilyukha, N.N. Tуutyunnik. Morphometric parameters of peripheral blood lymphocytes in silver (Vulpes vulpes l.) and blue (Alopex lagopus L.) foxes treated with various doses of vitamins A and E // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Experimental biology. 2014. Pp. 78-85
Keywords: lymphocytes, morphometric indices, vitamin A, vitamin E, silver fox, blue fox.
It has been determined by light microscopy that high doses of vitamins A and E have a different effect on the morphometric parameters of peripheral blood lymphocytes in two carnivore species – silver (Vulpes vulpes L.) and blue (Alopex lagopus L.) foxes. Vitamin A supplementation to the diet of silver foxes increased the size of lymphocytes. Vitamins A and E caused a significant decrease of the morphometric indices of lymphocytes smooth forms, moreover vitamin A also caused changes of the cell surface morphology in blue foxes. The observed species differences in response to high doses of vitamins A and E seem to depend on the features of cellular homeostasis and the structural-functional properties of lymphocyte membranes.
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Last modified: February 2, 2016