
Scientific publications

Е.А. Хижкин, В.Д. Юнаш, В.А. Илюха, И.А. Виноградова, А.В. Морозов, Н.Г. Тимейко.
Воспроизводство и половое созревание лабораторных крыс в условиях постоянной темноты
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 5. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2014. C. 200-206
E.A. Khizhkin, V.D. Yunash, V.A. Ilyukha, I.A. Vinogradova, A.V. Morozov, N.G. Timeyko. Reproduction and puberty in rats exposed to constant darkness // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 5. Experimental biology. 2014. Pp. 200-206
Keywords: photoperiod, constant darkness, melatonin, reproduction, puberty.
The effect of artificial enhancement of the pineal gland secretory function, caused by light deprivation on the reproduction indices of rats and their rate of development in postnatal ontogenesis was investigated. Specific light conditions modulated the studied indices, yet the extent of the impact depended on the stage of ontogenesis in which the impact began. Exposure to constant darkness during the gestation period resulted in an increase in pups mortality at birth and during the first month of life. In addition, a delay in physical development (later eye opening compared with pups born under other light modes) and sexual maturation of male and female pups was observed.
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Last modified: February 2, 2016