
Scientific publications

Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Регион: экономика и управление
2015. 172 с.
Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Region: Economy and Management. 2015. 172 p.
Indexed at RSCI

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Особенности экономического развития российских регионов4
D.O. Eliseev, Yu.V. Naumova. Economic development of the Russian Arctic: goals, objectives and approaches4
E.L. Andreeva, A.V. Ratner. Russian regions: process and institutional component of external economic activity17
P.V. Druzhinin, M.V. Moroshkina. The effect of the development of large regions on the efficiency of the Russian economy26
E.V. Zhirnel, L.M. Kulakova. Sustainable development and modernization of the economy of rural areas in Russia35
A.A. Yuryeva. Technological modernization in the socially-oriented economy: regional differences45
G.T. Shkiperova, O.V. Potasheva, E.A. Prokopyev. The effect of climate change on the economy of Russian regions: factor analysis61
Problems of regional development management69
V.V. Okrepilov. Developing a regional steady growth strategy on the basis of tools of economics of quality69
Yu.S. Pinkovetskaya. Research methodology for analyzing entrepreneurial structures’ performance indicators83
A.S. Melnikova. Methodological approaches to forming the models of consumer behaviour of households depending on the income level of the population of the region93
T.V. Morozova, G.B. Kozyreva, R.V. Belaya, M.V. Sukharev, E.A. Mikhel, M.V. Dyakonova, I.V. Timakov, A.A. Morozov. Problems of modern models of social service formation (example of the remote territories of the Republic of Karelia)103
A.A. Morozov. Corporate social responsibility in the "employer–employee" system: an empirical analysis117
E.A. Mikhel. Institutional transformation model of timing of the labor potential of the population in the Republic of Karelia126
O.G. Tuzhikova. The study of sustainable development of the regions: tendencies, results and gaps134
E.I. Alekhanova. The role of energy in the development of the “green” economy of the Republic of Karelia143
Dates and anniversaries153
A.I. Shishkin. Eugene G. Nemkovich (the 75th anniversary)153
E.G. Nemkovich. Anatoly Ivanovich Shishkin (the 70th anniversary)158
Last modified: April 27, 2016