Scientific publications
Т.Б. Силаева, А.А. Хапугин, Е.В. Письмаркина, Е.В. Варгот, А.М. Агеева.
Дополнения к «Флоре…» П. Ф. Маевского (2014) по Республике Мордовия и сопредельным регионам
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Биогеография. 2016. C. 29-37
T.B. Silaeva, A.A. Khapugin, E.V. Pismarkina, E.V. Vargot, A.M. Ageeva. Additions to the «Flora…» By P. F. Maevsky (2014) for the Republic of Mordovia and Adjacent Regions // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Biogeography. 2016. Pp. 29-37
Keywords: vascular plants; additions; Republic of Mordovia; Chuvashian Republic; Nizhny Novgorod Region; Penza Region; Ryazan Region; Ulyanovsk Region
The 11th Edition of the «Flora of the CentralPart of European Russia» by P. F. aevsky was published in the end of 2014. The book includes 2500 species of vascular plants belonging to 139 families. Among them, 1306 species were stated to occur in the Republic of Mordovia. As a result, severalspecies previously not listed for floras of severalregions of CentralRussia were revealed. Relying on data from herbarium collections (GMU, HMNR, LE, MOSP, MW, NNSU, PKM, PVB, UPSU), available publications and field observations we present here information on the species not listed for the floras of the Republic of Mordovia, Chuvashian Republic, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Penza Region, Ryazan Region, Ulyanovsk Region in the 11th edition of the «Flora of the CentralPart of European Russia». The largest number of additions to the 11th edition of the «Flora…» was revealed for the Republic of Mordovia – 76 vascular plant species, including 37 alien and 39 native species. Onopordum acanthium L. is the addition for the Chuvashian Republic. One alien species (Portulaca oleracea L.) and three native species (Rosa lupulina Dubovik, Plantago stepposa Kuprian., Taraxacum bessarabicum (Hornem.) Hand.–Mazz.) are additions for the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Six plant species (including 1 alien and 5 native species) are additions for the Penza Region. Syrenia montana (Pall.) Klok. is an addition for the Ryazan Region. Six plant species (including 1 alien and 5 native species) were missing from the 11th edition of the «Flora…» for the Ulyanovsk Region. Also, two native species (Hottonia palustris L., Veronica incana L.) were erroneously listed for the flora of Mordovia in the 11th edition of the «Flora…».
DOI: 10.17076/bg189
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: March 31, 2016