
Scientific publications

Кравченко А.В., Кожин М.Н., Боровичев Е.А., Костина В.А.
Новые данные о распространении охраняемых видов сосудистых растений в Мурманской области
Kravchenko A.V., Kozhin M.N., Borovichev E.A., Kostina V.A. New Data on the Distribution of Red-Listed Vascular Plant Species in the Murmansk Region // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Biogeography. 2016. Pp. 84-89
Keywords: vascular plants; Red Data Book; Murmansk Region
Data are provided on newly found locations of 27 vascular plant species red-listed in the Murmansk Region. New information about 12 species (Alisma juzepczukii Tzvel., Asplenium viride Huds., Carex echinata Murr., Cotoneaster laxiflorus Jacq. ex Lindley, Cystopteris dickieana R. Sim, Dactylorhiza fuchsii (Druce) Soó, Dianthus arenarius L. ssp. borussicus Vierh., Draba alpina L., Draba nivalis Liljebl., Gentianopsis detonsa (Rottb.) Ma, Salix gmelinii Pall., and Woodsia glabella R. Br.) considerably broadens the previous ideas about the pattern of their distribution in the region.
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Last modified: September 26, 2016