
Scientific publications

Лососевидные рыбы Восточной Фенноскандии
Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. 230 с.
Salmonid fishes of Eastern Fennoscandia. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2005. 230 p.

Articles in proceedings:

V.S. Artamonova, A.A. Makhrov, O.N. Kholod. Unintentional selection in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) captive broodstock3
Yu.Yu. Barskaya, E.P. Ieshko. Parasite fauna of salmonoids from the Paanajärvi-Olanga lake-river system and its formation patterns13
I.A. Baryshev, A.E. Veselov. Quantitative characteristics of zoobenthos in some rivers of the white sea drainage basin (Karelian, Tersky and Arkhangelsk coasts)23
S.F. Komulaynen. Attached algal communities in river Teno and its tributaries (Finnish Lapland)31
А.N. Кruglova. Zooplankton in the Barents sea rivers42
J. Kuusela, R. Holopainen, M. Meinilä, A. Veselov, I. Shurov, E. Ieshko, J. Lumme. Potentially dangerous Gyrodactylus salaris in Russian Karelia: harmless and harmful combinations of host species and parasite strains47
D.S. Lipatov. The problem of conserving the Onego salmon (Salmo salar morfa sebago Gigard) genetic diversity during commercial fisheries of the salmon population in river Shuja56
D.S. Lipatov, А.Е. Veselov. Fishery distribution in Onega Lake (in 2004)63
J. Lumme, T. Asplund, J. Kuusela, A. Veselov, I. Bakhmet, A. Potutkin, C. Primmer. Endemic Karelian strains of brown trout, Salmo trutta L.: A preliminary analysis by mitochondrial DNA71
V.K. Mitenev, A.B. Karasev. Ecological characteristics of the parasite fauna of the atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. from the Barents and White sea watersheds81
V.K. Mitenev, B.S. Shulman. Parasite fauna of grayling Thymallus thymallus (L) in the Kola region waters90
O.V. Novokhatskaya, E.P. Ieshko, D.I. Lebedeva. Long-term dynamics of the coregound parasite fauna in lake Sjamozero (Southern Karelia)97
L.I. Pestrikova, T.V. Shamrai. A study of hatchery-reared atlantic salmon smottification103
S.V. Prusov. History of atlantic salmon fisheries in the Ponoi river, Kola Peninsula109
E.A. Rumyantsev, E.P. Ieshko, B.S. Schulman. Parasites of salmonoids (Salmonoidei) in the European North of Russia116
E.A. Rumyantsev, O.V. Mamontova. Parasite fauna of salmon and trout from lake Ladoga131
D.S. Sendeck, A.P. Novosyolov, I.I. Studyonov, P.A. Gourichev. Phyloge-netic affiliations of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus, L.) populations from the White sea watershed135
D.S. Sendeck, I.I. Studyunov, V.S. Sherstkov, A.P. Novosyolov, A.F. Konovalov. Genetic differentiation of genus Osmerus fishes (Osmeridae, Salmoniformes) in the European North of Russia148
I.I. Studenov. Forecasting of atlantic salmon (Salmo Salar Linnaeus, 1758) commercial catches for the watersheds of Northern seas of European Russia158
И.И. Студенов. Оценка общего допустимого улова семги – атлантического лосося (Salmo Salar Linnaeus, 1758) в крупных речных системах с применением принципов предосторожного подхода167
S.F. Titov, I.I. Studyonov. Genetic differentiation of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus L.) from rivers in the Eastern part of the distribution range (Barents and White sea watersheds178
B.S. Shulman, E.P. Ieshko, I.L. Shchurov, B.O. Johnsen, A.J. Jensen. Specific features of the fish parasite fauna in river Vefsha (Northern Norway)191
B.S. Shulman, E.P. Ieshko. Parasite fauna of the Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus) and grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in some waterbodies of Northern Finland195
Yu.A. Shustov, A.E. Veselov. Present-day status and possibilities for conversation of the lake trout Salmo trutta m. lacustris L. in waters of Karelia198
A. Veselov, C.R. Primmer A. Zubchenko, A. Potutkin, M.T. Koskinen, S. Kaliuzhin. Diversity of spawning migration and Genetic population structuring of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar in the Varzuga River211
Last modified: November 24, 2006