Scientific publications
Л.И. Пестрикова, Т.В. Шамрай.
Исследование смолтификации заводской молоди атлантического лосося
// Лососевидные рыбы Восточной Фенноскандии. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 103-108
L.I. Pestrikova, T.V. Shamrai. A study of hatchery-reared atlantic salmon smottification // Salmonid fishes of Eastern Fennoscandia. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2005. Pp. 103-108
Salt tests were employed to study the physiological status of the Atlantic salmon reared in the Murmansk region hatcheries in sea pens for reproduction and commercial farming purposes. The parr was found to be insufficiently prepared for release into the wild and transfer to the sea, current aquaculture practices leading to an osmoregulatory imbalance.
L.I. Pestrikova, T.V. Shamrai. A study of hatchery-reared atlantic salmon smottification (229 Kb, total downloads: 633)
Last modified: November 21, 2006