Scientific publications
Д.С. Сендек, А.П. Новоселов, И.И. Студенов, П.А. Гуричев.
Филогенетические связи популяций обыкновенного сига (Coregonus lavaretus, L.) из водоемов бассейна Белого моря
// Лососевидные рыбы Восточной Фенноскандии. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2005. C. 135-147
D.S. Sendeck, A.P. Novosyolov, I.I. Studyonov, P.A. Gourichev. Phyloge-netic affiliations of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus, L.) populations from the White sea watershed // Salmonid fishes of Eastern Fennoscandia. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2005. Pp. 135-147
The aim of the present study was to investigate genetic differentiation between whitefish populations
from water bodies of the White Sea watershed. Drawing upon the analysis of the data on the variability of 29 enzymatic loci, we have demonstrated that most populations have emerged owing to postglacial dispersal of the periglacial White-Barents Sea whitefish rice. A more pronounced genetic isolation of whitefish from the northern part of the Karelian coast may be due to recolonization of the area by a specific lineage from the Gulf of Bothnia area during the Ancylus Lake phase. No genetic differentiation was found among whitefish forms with different numbers of gill rakers from Lake Louhskoye (Karelian Coast of White Sea), DN=0.000, suggesting their sympatric descent in the lake from a common ancestor. On the contrary, the sympatric pair of whitefish forms in the Megorskoye lake system (Zimniy Coast of White Sea) displayed significant genetic differentiation, DN=0.018. Several retrospective scenarios of the evolutionary establishment of isolated-reproduction whitefish forms in the Megorskoye lake system are discussed in the context of common phylogenetic affiliations of whitefishes in the White Sea watershed.
from water bodies of the White Sea watershed. Drawing upon the analysis of the data on the variability of 29 enzymatic loci, we have demonstrated that most populations have emerged owing to postglacial dispersal of the periglacial White-Barents Sea whitefish rice. A more pronounced genetic isolation of whitefish from the northern part of the Karelian coast may be due to recolonization of the area by a specific lineage from the Gulf of Bothnia area during the Ancylus Lake phase. No genetic differentiation was found among whitefish forms with different numbers of gill rakers from Lake Louhskoye (Karelian Coast of White Sea), DN=0.000, suggesting their sympatric descent in the lake from a common ancestor. On the contrary, the sympatric pair of whitefish forms in the Megorskoye lake system (Zimniy Coast of White Sea) displayed significant genetic differentiation, DN=0.018. Several retrospective scenarios of the evolutionary establishment of isolated-reproduction whitefish forms in the Megorskoye lake system are discussed in the context of common phylogenetic affiliations of whitefishes in the White Sea watershed.
D.S. Sendeck, A.P. Novosyolov, I.I. Studyonov, P.A. Gourichev. Phyloge-netic affiliations of whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus, L.) populations from the White sea watershed (477 Kb, total downloads: 242)
Last modified: November 21, 2006