
Scientific publications

Т.А. Чекрыжева, Н.М. Калинкина.
Структура и сезонная динамика фитопланктонных сообществ в открытой и закрытой литорали Онежского озера (Пиньгуба, Пухтинская бухта)
Т.А. Chekryzheva, N.M. Kalinkina. Struсture and seasonal dynamics of phytoplankton community in the opening and closing of the littoral areas of the Onego Lake (Bay Pinguba, Bay Puchtinskaya) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 12. Ecological Studies Series. 2016. Pp. 83-95
Keywords: phytoplankton, taxonomic composition, ecology, abundance, biomass, litoral, Lake Onego
Surveys showed phytoplankton in exposed and sheltered parts of the Lake Onego littoral zone to comprise 116 algal taxa of below-genus level. Its species diversity was mainly constituted by diatoms (44% of the total number of species) and green algae (28%). Throughout the open water period, the plankton was dominated by diatoms, which on average contributed 74–97.5 % to total phytoplankton abundance and 33.2–96.4 % to its total biomass. Average phytoplankton amounts in the lake’s littoral zone did not exceed 276,500 cells/l in abundance and 0.52887 g/m3 in biomass in spring, 137,900 cells/l and 0.23581 g/m3 in summer, and 95,500 cells/l and 0.39867 g/m3 in autumn. The biomass of the fine fraction (nanoplankton) was the highest in summer (July).
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Last modified: December 21, 2016