Scientific publications
Д.С. Толстобров, А.Н. Толстоброва, В.В. Колька, О.П. Корсакова, Д.А. Субетто.
Следы голоценовых цунами в озёрных донных отложениях в районе пос. Териберка (Кольский полуостров, Россия)
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 9. Сер. Лимнология. Океанология. 2018. C. 92-102
D.S. Tolstobrov, A.N. Tolstobrova, V.V. Kolka, O.P. Korsakova, D.A. Subetto. Putative records of the holocene tsunami in lacustrine bottom sediments near the Teriberka settlement (Kola Peninsula, Russia) // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 9. Limnology and oceanology. 2018. Pp. 92-102
Keywords: lake basin; tsunami sediments; Tapes transgression; Barents Sea; Kola Peninsula; Holocene
The results of lithological analysis, diatom analysis and radiocarbon dating of bottom sediments from the basin of a lake located at an elevation of 17 m above sea level near the Teriberka settlement (Barents Sea coast, Kola Peninsula) are presented. The stages of the lake evolution were revealed based on a comprehensive investigation of its bottom sediments. The lake basin was covered by sea at the end of the Pleistocene. The lake became isolated from the sea approximately 11500 cal. yrs BP, but was re-filled with sea water after 10400 cal. yrs BP due to the Tapes transgression. In lower part of the Tapes sediments, there is a disturbance of the sediment sequence, represented by a mixture of sand, gyttja and plant residues. According to radiocarbon dates, this disturbed horizon was deposited between 10400 and 8200 cal. yrs BP. An abrupt increase in the content of marine diatoms was found in this horizon. The disturbed sediments have possibly formed as a result of the Storegga tsunami. When the horizon of tsunamigenic sediments was forming, the sea level was slightly above the threshold for discharge from the lake (ca. 18 m above modern sea level). The second local event (tsunami?) occurred after 8220 cal. yrs BP, when the coastline was already below the lake threshold. As a result of this event, an interlayer of sandy sediments formed in the bottom sediments within gyttja.
DOI: 10.17076/lim865
Indexed at RSCI
Last modified: October 12, 2018