
Scientific publications

Г.А. Угольницкий, А.Б. Усов.
Динамические модели согласования частных и общественных интересов при продвижении инноваций
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 11, в. 1. 2019. C. 96-114
Gennady. A. Ougolnitsky, Anatoly B. Usov. Dynamic models of private and public interests combining in promoting innovations // Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Vol 11, No 1. 2019. Pp. 96-114
Keywords: Nash equilibrium, Stakelberg equilibrium, simulation, Germeier games, method of qualitatively representative strategies
The article is devoted to modeling the system of coordination of private and public interests in promoting innovations in the organization. Subjects of controls of two levels (supervisor, agents) are taken into account. The relations between subjects are hierarchical. The algorithms for constructing equilibria in the games of Germeyer Г1t; Г2t and are indicated. In the study uses the method of qualitatively representative strategies. The results of a number of simulation experiments are given. An analysis of the results is given.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

vol_11_1_96-114_Ugolnitskiy_10_02_2019.pdf (142 Kb, total downloads: 120)

Last modified: April 19, 2019