Scientific publications
Комулайнен С.Ф., Антипина Г.С., Вислянская И.Г., Иешко Т.А., Лак Г.Ц., Чекрыжева Т.А., Шаров А.Н., Шелехова Т.С.
Библиография работ по водорослям Европейского Севера России (Республика Карелия, Мурманская область)
Петрозаводск. КарНЦ РАН, 2006. 67 с.
The paper is a review of sources on studies of algae in water bodies of
North European Russia (Murmansk region, Republic of Karelia) from the
early works of the beginning of the nineteenth century up now.
Meant for hydrobiologists, ecologists, algologists, university students, and
can be used as a learning aid for a number of university courses (general
hydrobiology, phycology, algal ecology, river ecology, etc.).
North European Russia (Murmansk region, Republic of Karelia) from the
early works of the beginning of the nineteenth century up now.
Meant for hydrobiologists, ecologists, algologists, university students, and
can be used as a learning aid for a number of university courses (general
hydrobiology, phycology, algal ecology, river ecology, etc.).
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Last modified: December 25, 2006