Болотные экосистемы севера Европы: разнообразие, динамика,
углеродный баланс, ресурсы и охрана
Материалы международного симпозиума (Петрозаводск, 30 августа – 2 сентября 2005 г.). Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006. 396 с.
G.A. Elina & O.L. Kuznetsov. The history and current status of mire research in Karelia. 55 years to Mire Ecosystems Laboratory | 11 |
E.V. Karmasina. Mosses flora of mires of National Park «Russkyi Sever» (Vologda district) | 11 |
V.K. Antipin. Mires biosphere national park " Vodlozersky " and their nature | 35 |
N.A. Berezina, E.M. Vorontsova. Arboreous junipers (Juniperus communis L.) on the mires of national park “Russkiy sever” (Vologda region) | 42 |
S.E. Vompersky, A.G. Kovalev, T.V. Glukhova, M.V. Smagina, A.E. Erofeev, M.Y. Zaznobin. About a technique of an estimation of contemporary apparent rate of peat accumulation | 48 |
O.V. Galanina. Results of application of two main classification approaches to large scale mapping of bog vegetation | 60 |
S.I. Grabovik. Dynamics mesotrophic herb-sphagnum mires, structure and productivity after drainage in south Karelia | 73 |
V.P. Denisenkov, G.M. Chernova. The bogs North-West Ladoga region and dynamic of vegetation draining bogs and paludified land (on the example of Ladozhskaya field station) | 83 |
T.Yu. Dyachkova. The permanent observations on populations of rare mire plant species | 91 |
T.G. Ivchenko. Flora, structure and features of distribution of mire's vegetation communities of southern Ural (On the example of the Ilmensky Nature Reserve) | 99 |
V.A. Kolomytsev. Роtеntial of paludification in taiga landscapes of Karelia | 121 |
A.V. Kravchenko. Flora of mires in Nature Reserve “Kozhoserskyi” (Arhangelsk district) | 129 |
O.L. Kuznetsov. Flora and vegetation of mires in Karelia | 145 |
S.A. Kutenkov. The vegetation of forested mires in middle taiga of Karelia | 159 |
O.A. Marakaev, V.V. Gorokhova. Conservation of orchids genofund on mires of the Yaroslavl region | 172 |
V.Yu. Neshatayeva, V.Yu. Neshatayev. The vegetation cover of the western Kamchatka and the northern Europe blanket–bogs: a comparative analysis | 181 |
I.M. Nesterenko. Influence peatlands reglamation on the regime of ground – and surface waters | 193 |
S.M. Novicov. Hydrological and ecological aspects of problem of bogs´ economic development | 196 |
V.V. Panov. The spatial structure and dynamics of Sphagna mires on small forms of relief | 210 |
V.I. Sakovets. Drained forest and mire ecosystems importance for forestry and biosphere in Karelia | 226 |
V.A. Smagin. The typology and vegetation of eutrophic fens of forest zone of European Russia | 231 |
P.N. Tokarev. The development of method for designation of main mire types from space images with using data of land surface and distant sampling based on GIS technologies | 243 |
M.A. Fadeeva. On the lichen flora of mires and paludified forests on the White Sea Karelian coast | 248 |
D.A. Philippov. Mire ecosystems resourses of Vologda region and its conservation | 255 |
Y.L. Shilyaeva. Preliminary results of study mesotrophic mires ombrotrophic bogs in Udmurt Republic | 267 |
T.K. Yurkovskaya. Latitudinal differentiation of mires within the longitudinal sectors in the West of Russia | 271 |
P. Hanhela & S. Eurola. The ecological criteria of the vascular mire flora of the mire conservation areas in the southern and middle part of Finland | 279 |
R. Heikkilä, O. Kuznetsov, T. Lindholm, M. Mäkilä & A. Maksimov. Biodiversity and Holocene development of Ypäyssuo mire system (north of the Republic of Karelia) | 282 |
J. Laitinen, A. Huttunen, R. Sakari, S. Rehel & T. Lindholm. Towards a Finnish typology for classifying boreal mire complexes and systems: a morphological approach | 296 |
T. Lindholm, R. Heikkilä. The mire protection process in Finland during the 20-th century | 304 |
T. Lindholm, E. Kaakinen & A. Kokko. Threatened mire habitats in Finland | 313 |
M. Mäkilä. Peat increment in Finland | 321 |
A. Moen. Regional variation and protection of mires in Norway | 328 |
R. Ruuhijärvi & T. Lindholm. The Finnish mire site type classification system | 338 |
T. Sallantaus. Water source quality analyses as a tool in mire restoration - impacts of restoration on water quality | 348 |
K. Tolonen & A. Pitkänen. Reliable postglacial fire record of boreal forests from peat stratigraphical data | 356 |
H. Vasander. The use of peatlands in Finland a special emphasis on restoration | 365 |
O.L. Kuznetsov, M. Makila, A.V. Kravchenko, M.A. Boychuk & A.I. Maksimov. Field excursion guide to the mires west from Matrosy village | 378 |
Last modified: April 12, 2016