
Scientific publications

Болотные экосистемы севера Европы: разнообразие, динамика, углеродный баланс, ресурсы и охрана
Материалы международного симпозиума (Петрозаводск, 30 августа – 2 сентября 2005 г.). Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006. 396 с.
Mire Ecosystems in Northern Europe: Diversity, Dynamics, Carbon Balance, Resources and Conservation. Proceedings of International Symposium (Petrozavodsk: August 30 – September 2, 2005). Petrozavodsk, 2006. 396 p.

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Articles in proceedings:

G.A. Elina & O.L. Kuznetsov. The history and current status of mire research in Karelia. 55 years to Mire Ecosystems Laboratory11
E.V. Karmasina. Mosses flora of mires of National Park «Russkyi Sever» (Vologda district)11
V.K. Antipin. Mires biosphere national park " Vodlozersky " and their nature35
N.A. Berezina, E.M. Vorontsova. Arboreous junipers (Juniperus communis L.) on the mires of national park “Russkiy sever” (Vologda region)42
S.E. Vompersky, A.G. Kovalev, T.V. Glukhova, M.V. Smagina, A.E. Erofeev, M.Y. Zaznobin. About a technique of an estimation of contemporary apparent rate of peat accumulation48
O.V. Galanina. Results of application of two main classification approaches to large scale mapping of bog vegetation60
S.I. Grabovik. Dynamics mesotrophic herb-sphagnum mires, structure and productivity after drainage in south Karelia73
V.P. Denisenkov, G.M. Chernova. The bogs North-West Ladoga region and dynamic of vegetation draining bogs and paludified land (on the example of Ladozhskaya field station)83
T.Yu. Dyachkova. The permanent observations on populations of rare mire
plant species
T.G. Ivchenko. Flora, structure and features of distribution of mire's vegetation communities of southern Ural (On the example of the Ilmensky Nature Reserve)99
V.A. Kolomytsev. Роtеntial of paludification in taiga landscapes of Karelia121
A.V. Kravchenko. Flora of mires in Nature Reserve “Kozhoserskyi” (Arhangelsk district)129
O.L. Kuznetsov. Flora and vegetation of mires in Karelia145
S.A. Kutenkov. The vegetation of forested mires in middle taiga of Karelia159
O.A. Marakaev, V.V. Gorokhova. Conservation of orchids genofund on mires of the Yaroslavl region172
V.Yu. Neshatayeva, V.Yu. Neshatayev. The vegetation cover of the western Kamchatka and the northern Europe blanket–bogs: a comparative analysis181
I.M. Nesterenko. Influence peatlands reglamation on the regime of ground – and surface waters193
S.M. Novicov. Hydrological and ecological aspects of problem of bogs´ economic development196
V.V. Panov. The spatial structure and dynamics of Sphagna mires on small forms of relief210
V.I. Sakovets. Drained forest and mire ecosystems importance for forestry and biosphere in Karelia226
V.A. Smagin. The typology and vegetation of eutrophic fens of forest zone of European Russia231
P.N. Tokarev. The development of method for designation of main mire types from space images with using data of land surface and distant sampling based on GIS technologies243
M.A. Fadeeva. On the lichen flora of mires and paludified forests on the White Sea Karelian coast248
D.A. Philippov. Mire ecosystems resourses of Vologda region and its conservation255
Y.L. Shilyaeva. Preliminary results of study mesotrophic mires ombrotrophic bogs in Udmurt Republic267
T.K. Yurkovskaya. Latitudinal differentiation of mires within the longitudinal sectors in the West of Russia271
P. Hanhela & S. Eurola. The ecological criteria of the vascular mire flora of the mire conservation areas in the southern and middle part of Finland279
R. Heikkilä, O. Kuznetsov, T. Lindholm, M. Mäkilä & A. Maksimov. Biodiversity and Holocene development of Ypäyssuo mire system (north of the Republic of Karelia)282
J. Laitinen, A. Huttunen, R. Sakari, S. Rehel & T. Lindholm. Towards a Finnish typology for classifying boreal mire complexes and systems: a morphological approach296
T. Lindholm, R. Heikkilä. The mire protection process in Finland during the 20-th century304
T. Lindholm, E. Kaakinen & A. Kokko. Threatened mire habitats in Finland313
M. Mäkilä. Peat increment in Finland321
A. Moen. Regional variation and protection of mires in Norway328
R. Ruuhijärvi & T. Lindholm. The Finnish mire site type classification system338
T. Sallantaus. Water source quality analyses as a tool in mire restoration - impacts of restoration on water quality348
K. Tolonen & A. Pitkänen. Reliable postglacial fire record of boreal forests from peat stratigraphical data356
H. Vasander. The use of peatlands in Finland a special emphasis on restoration365
O.L. Kuznetsov, M. Makila, A.V. Kravchenko, M.A. Boychuk & A.I. Maksimov. Field excursion guide to the mires west from Matrosy village378
Last modified: April 12, 2016