Scientific publications
А.A. Седаков, В.А. Сорокин.
Решения кооперативных игр с главным игроком и иерархической структурой
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 11, в. 3. 2019. C. 77-94
Artem A. Sedakov, Vitaly A. Sorokin. Solutions for cooperative games with a major player and a hierarchical structure // Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Vol 11, No 3. 2019. Pp. 77-94
Keywords: cooperative game, tree graph, major player, the average tree solution, the Myerson value
In this paper, we adapt two well-known solutions for cooperative games with an exogenously given cycle-free communication graph structure (the average tree solution and the Myerson value) to the game with a major player. A comparative analysis of such solutions is carried out for special graphs | a star and a complete k-ary tree.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)
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Last modified: October 3, 2019