
Scientific publications

В.М. Буре, Е.М. Парилина, К.Ю. Староверова.
Двухфакторное DEA моделирование и кластеризация множества однородных фирм
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 11, в. 4. 2019. C. 24-43
Vladimir M. Bure, Elena M. Parilina, Kseniya Yu. Staroverova. Two-factor DEA modeling and clustarization of homogeneous firms // Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Vol 11, No 4. 2019. Pp. 24-43
Keywords: DEA modeling, time series clustarization, analysis of firm efficiencies.
The paper presents a clasterization model for homogeneous firms using effectiveness of their activities over a certain time period. The firm efficiency is investigated by the DEA (Data envelopment analysis) methodology, which is based on solving optimization problems and allows to compare firms taking into account many factors of their activities. At the second step of the analysis, the time series of estimators of firm effectiveness obtained as a result of DEA modeling are used to cluster firms and find stable partitions of the set of firms.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

vol_11_4_24-43_bure.pdf (378 Kb, total downloads: 95)

Last modified: December 20, 2019