
Scientific publications

С.Н. Смирнов.
Гарантированный детерминистский подход к суперхеджированию: свойства полунепрерывности и непрерывности решений уравнений Беллмана-Айзекса
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 11, в. 4. 2019. C. 87-115
Sergey N. Smirnov. A guaranteed deterministic approach to superhedging: the proprieties of semicontinuity and continuity of the Bellman-Isaacs equations // Mathematical Game Theory and Applications. Vol 11, No 4. 2019. Pp. 87-115
Keywords: guaranteed estimates, deterministic price dynamics, super-replication, option, Bellman-Isaacs equations, multi-valued mapping, semi-continuity, continuity, robust condition of no arbitrage.
A guaranteed deterministic problem setting of super-replication with discrete time is considered: the aim of hedging of a contingent claim is to ensure the coverage of possible payout under the option contract for all admissible scenarios. These scenarios are given by means of a priori given compacts, that depend on the prehistory of prices: the increments of the price at each moment of time must lie in the corresponding compacts. The absence of transaction costs is assumed; the market is considered with trading constraints. The game-theoretical interpretation implies that the corresponding Bellman-Isaacs equations holds. In the present paper we propose several conditions for the solutions of these equations to be semicontinuous or continuous.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

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Last modified: December 20, 2019