
Scientific publications

И.А. Чернов.
Многоагентный поиск на множестве: распределение усилий и оценка эффективности
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 12, в. 2. 2020. C. 110-121
Keywords: Ilya A. Chernov,
We consider a search model on the set, in which each point is a
search location for valuable objects. Searchers of different efficiencies are
distributed across a multitude, choosing locations based on the apriori
idea of how promising each location is. Those who choose the same
location compete with each other.We show that in quite free assumptions
the distribution of agents coincides with that of the prospects. This
allows us to estimate the specific flow of results, which is constant on
the set. In order to more accurately predict this flow, which depends on
the performance of individual agents, we offer a policy of bids: a reward
for winning one. Cases of various distributions of uncertainty in the agent
assessment of their own productivity are considered and the difference
between the declared productivity and the average one is estimated.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

vol_12_2_110_chernov.pdf (109 Kb, total downloads: 84)

Last modified: December 23, 2020