
Scientific publications

М.А. Савченко.
Планирование заданий с немонотонной отдачей
// Математическая Теория Игр и ее Приложения, т. 14, в. 1. 2022. C. 85-101
Maxim A. Savchenko. Nonmonotonically rewarded job scheduling // Mathematical game theory and applications. Vol 13. No 1. 2022. Pp. 85-101
Keywords: job scheduling, informational asymmetry, nonbinding agreements
This paper describes new model of job scheduling problem generalized for nonmonotonical reward functions. Importance of informational asymmetry is shown for conflict in consideration, leading to connection with «theory of conspiracies». Structurally consistent equilibria is demostrated to be acceptable as solution concept.
Indexed at RSCI, RSCI (WS)

vol14_1_085_savchenko.pdf (130 Kb, total downloads: 96)

Last modified: January 19, 2023