Scientific publications
Хашковская Т.Н., Лялинов Д.В.
Использование анализа изображения для моделирования показателей обогащения богатых медно-никелевых руд
// Результаты фундаментальных и прикладных исследований по разработке методик технологической оценки руд металлов и промышленных минералов на ранних стадиях геологоразведочных работ. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2006. C. 62-70
Khashkovskaya, Т.N. and Lyapinov, D.V. The use of image analysis for modelling of the dressing indices of high grade copper-nckel ores // Results of fundamental and applied studies on methods for technological evalution of metallic ores and industrial minerals at the early stages of geological prospecting. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2006. Pp. 62-70
In the «Institute Gipronickel» JS has been developed the methodology of the calculation of mineralogically limited metal recovery from sulphide ores, based on the image-analysis data obtained by Video Test and processed by Microsoft Access. To this end, ore samples were ground then mineral liberation characteristics were obtained and a data bank containing mineral intergrowths, mineral compositions and mineral densities information was compiled. These data allow to get valuable information of the initial ore mineral compositions, quality of commercial minerals liberation, size-by-size minerals/metals distribution. On this basis, mineralogically limited grade-recovery curves were plotted.
An example of the massive sulphide-ore integrated study with a selective-flotation flowsheet modeling, is presented.
An example of the massive sulphide-ore integrated study with a selective-flotation flowsheet modeling, is presented.
resultaty_rud_metal_62.pdf (870 Kb, total downloads: 287)
Last modified: January 29, 2007