
Scientific publications

Young, K.L.
Role of Snow in the Hydrology of a High Arctic Riparian Wetland
// 16th international symposium and workshop "Northern research Basins". Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2007. Pp. 155-163
Keywords: Arctic hydrology, channel snow, High Arctic, permafrost, riparian wetland
Riparian wetlands are unique strips of saturated and vegetated ground forming important links between terrestrial landscapes and aquatic zones. These linear wetlands are common features in High Arctic landscapes yet their hydrology is not well understood. Woo and Young (2003) provide some information on their hydrology through their study on Cornwallis Island-a polar desert environment. They found that water tables in the wetland continually remain high from seasonal snowmelt runoff and extended overbank flooding from snow-chocked stream channels. Here, I describe the hydrology of a riparian wetland situated within a polar oasis landscape near Eastwind Lake, Ellesmere Island, Nunavut (80o80'N, 85o35'W) during the 2006 field season. Unlike the Woo and Young (2003) study, snow in the channel does not promote a period of extended over-bank flooding but instead serves as a dam blocking most stream water from entering and flooding the wetland. It is only during a warm, sunny period that the snow dam melts and the wetland becomes recharged. Meltwater from late-lying snowbeds located further upstream is essential for maintaining saturated conditions for the duration of the season.

SYMPOSIUM_154-163.pdf (469 Kb, total downloads: 127)

Last modified: December 4, 2007