
Scientific publications

Слабунов А.И., Бурдюх Е.В., Бабарина И.И.
Гранулометрия и распределение по площади обломочной составляющей гридинского эклогитсодержащего меланжа
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Выпуск 10. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2007. C. 27-34
The linear sizes and areal distribution of fragments of the Gridino eclogite-bearing melange, which makes up a tectonic slab, were studied. A geological-structural scheme of the Point Vargas-Pryanishnaya Luda Island shows clearly that fragments in the Gridino eclogite-bearing melange are distributed irregularly: ca. 200-300 m thick, clast-enriched, lenticular NWtrending bodies are identified. Melange fragments vary in size from 1 to 500 cm along the long axis and from 1 to 240 cm along the short one, their average length is 38 cm and dispersion is 5. It is important that the size distribution of the fragments obeys the logarithmically normal law. This means that after initial rock disintegration there were no mechanisms of separation of the clastic constituent and that the above size distribution does not contradict to a hypothesis of the formation of the Gridino melange during tectonic disintegration in the subduction zone.

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Last modified: December 12, 2008