
Scientific publications

Филиппов Н.Б., Трофимов Н.Н., Голубев А.И., Сергеев С.А., Хухма Х.
Новые геохронологические данные по Койкарско-Святнаволокскому и Пудожгорскому габбро-долеритовым интрузивам
// Геология и полезные ископаемые Карелии. Выпуск 10. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2007. C. 49-68
The basic geological-structural characteristics of the Koikary-Svyatnavolok and Pudozhgora differentiated sheeted dolerite and quartz monzonite intrusions that host stratiform titanomagnetite ore beds with poor noble-metal mineralization are discussed. Their U-Pb ages were estimated by dating zircons from the upper part of a granophyre horizon of the diorite zone. Their radiogenic U-Pb age was 1983.4 ± 6.5 Ma for the Koikary-Svyatnavolok sill and 1984 ± 8 Ma for the Pudozhgora sill. Additional isotopic study of monoclinic pyroxene and plagioclase, sampled from the upper part of the bed under the ore at the boundary with the base of the ore horizon, was carried out for the Pudozhgora intrusion. The Sm-Nd age is estimated at 2174 ± 74 Ma.

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Last modified: December 12, 2008