
Scientific publications

Чернов И.А.
Вариационный подход к решению обратной задачи дегидрирования
// Методы математического моделирования и информационные технологии. Труды ИПМИ КарНЦ РАН. Вып. 9. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2008. C. 53-62
Chernov I.A. Variational approach to an inverse problem of dehydriding // Methods of mathematical modeling and information technologies. Proceedings of IAMR KarRC RAS. Petrozavodsk: KarRC RAS, 2008. Pp. 53-62
In the paper we consider the possibility of using classical methods of variations calculus and optimal control to solve a coefficient inverse problem of dehydriding which is a system of ordinary differential equations (conservation laws).

Trud_IPMI_9_053-62.pdf (188 Kb, total downloads: 141)

Last modified: December 15, 2008