Scientific publications
Пирогов Б.И.
Технологическая минералогия полезных ископаемых как основа оценки их комплексности
// Значение исследований технологической минералогии в решении задач комплексного освоения минерального сырья. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2007. C. 6-16
It is shown, that the technological mineralogy of minerals is necessary for considering (examining) as system of an estimation of their integrated approach: with development of scientific-theoretical principles of integrated approach of mineral raw material; revealing tipomorfic the attributes determining a nature and variability of technological properties of minerals in connection with their processing; with introduction of a complex of mineralogy-technological and physical and chemical methods of the analysis; revealing and creation of new kinds of mineral raw material with the account nanomineralogy and development of alternative technologies; mineralogy -geochemical studying of technogenic ore deposits with development of complex decisions on recycling waste products for reception of new kinds of mineral raw material.
mineralogia_006-16.pdf (859 Kb, total downloads: 715)
Last modified: November 16, 2012