Scientific publications
Мелентьев Г.Б.
Научно-методические основы и результаты комплексной оценки месторождений природного и техногенного сырья
// Значение исследований технологической минералогии в решении задач комплексного освоения минерального сырья. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2007. C. 35-58
Methods to evaluate natural and artificial mineral products for a variety of useful and limited components, including highly valuable and toxic microcomponents, are described. They are part of a multi-purpose resource-environmental mapping (MREM) procedure, an efficient tool for integrated evaluation of natural resources used for nature conservation and socialenvironmental rehabilitation of territories and for prophylaxis of human health.
mineralogia_035-58.pdf (620 Kb, total downloads: 828)
Last modified: November 16, 2012