
Scientific publications

Кевлич В.И., Филиппов М.М.
Высшие антраксолиты битумолитовых пород Зажогинского месторождения
// Значение исследований технологической минералогии в решении задач комплексного освоения минерального сырья. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2007. C. 145-150
The mineralogical and technological study of bithumolitic rocks and anthraxolite from the Zazhogino deposit has shown that could classified as poorly differentiated pyronaphthoids. Considering their carbon and impurity content, molecular structure etc., they are regarded as primary raw materials that can be dressed to produce concentrates with a high percentage of carbon and a low ash content. The practical application of shungits in the light of modern technologies suggests that the concentrates can be used in the production technologies of new construction materials, special coatings, medical preparations and fullerenes.

mineralogia_145-150.pdf (740 Kb, total downloads: 755)

Last modified: November 16, 2012