Scientific publications
Лебедева Г.А., Ильина В.П., Скамницкая Л.С.
Технологические исследования щелочных сиенитов и отходов обогащения с целью комплексного использования
// Значение исследований технологической минералогии в решении задач комплексного освоения минерального сырья. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2007. C. 151-156
Alkaline syenites from the Yeletozero deposit and their dressing products, such as a magnetic fraction and slurry (–0.1 mm fraction), were studied for their integrated use The study has shown that syenite dressing waste can be used as a ceramic mass filler in the production of flooring slabs (magnetic fraction filler) and facing slabs (slurry filler). The compositions of ornamental glass materials, based on alkaline syenite and slurry, were developed. Addition of a magnetic fraction accelerates the volumetriccrystallization of petrurgical melts, which is particularly important for the production of small-sized molten stone.
mineralogia_151-156.pdf (491 Kb, total downloads: 472)
Last modified: November 16, 2012