
Scientific publications

Хазов Р.А.
Кайвомякское и Райвимякское месторождения комплексного потенциального стронций-барийсодержащего щелочнополевошпатового, редкоземельно-титанитового и апатитового сырья
// Значение исследований технологической минералогии в решении задач комплексного освоения минерального сырья. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2007. C. 156-162
The Kaivomyaki and Raivomyaki complex potential strontium-barium-bearing alkaline-feldspathic, rare-earth-titanitie and apatite deposits. They represent types of mineral products unknown in Russia and other countries. Considering the probable volume of ore reserves, their novelty and expected high profitability, the deposits are unique. They are located in the western Lake Ladoga area, Russian Karelia. Ores in the deposits are formed by alkaline-potassic-series rocks known as ladogalites and toensbergites. Preliminary technological studies have shown that Sr-Ba-bearing alkaline-feldspathic, apatitic, rare-earth-titanitic, mica (phlogopitic-biotitic) and amphibole-clinopyroxenitic concentrates could be produced. The deposits are suitable for open-pit mining.

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Last modified: November 16, 2012