Scientific publications
Губайдуллина А.М., Лыгина Т.З., Власов В.В., Халепп Л.В., Трофимова Ф.А.
Исследование физико-химических аспектов получения пигментов из железооксидного природного сырья
// Значение исследований технологической минералогии в решении задач комплексного освоения минерального сырья. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2007. C. 173-178
At step by step (up to 900.С) heating marsh iron ores are investigated phase and structural transformations of the main mineral components. The optimal complex including the following kinds of researches has been determined: differential thermal, X-ray, thermomagnetic analyses, γ-spectroscopy and the laser diffraction analysis. Each of the allocated types of ores is characterized by a specific course of processes structural and phase transformations. In an interval of temperatures 100-900°С as a result of thermal influence occur complex phase and structural transfomations of stable and labile oxyhydroxides of iron in steady oxidic forms; thus the specified transformations are characterized by strictly individual specificity depending on features of the allocated technological types. Thus, creation of pigments with the set physical-mechanical characteristics is connected to studying processes phase and structural transfomations of initial and resulting products.
mineralogia_173-178.pdf (1.07 Mb, total downloads: 594)
Last modified: November 16, 2012