
Scientific publications

С.В. Бугмырин, Л.А. Беспятова, В.С. Аниканова, Е.П. Иешко.
Паразиты мелких млекопитающих парка "Дружба" (Финляндия) и государственного природного заповедника "Костомукшский" (Россия)
// Современные проблемы паразитологии. Труды КарНЦ РАН. Серия "Биогеография". Выпуск 13. Петрозаводск, 2008. C. 32-40
S.V. Bugmyrin, L.A. Bespyatova, V.S. Anikanova, E.P. Ieshko. Parasites of small mammals in Friendship Park // Transactions of the Karelian Research Centre of RAS. Petrozavodsk, 2008. Pp. 32-40
The parasite fauna of small mammals from the Friendship Park (Finland) and the Kostamus Nature Reserve (Russia) was studied. A total of 54 species of parasites relating to 5 classes, 24 families, 38 genera were recovered. The fauna of small mammal parasites in this territory consisted of the species widespread throughout Fennoscandia.

The Using of Support Vector Machines for Link Spam Detection (144 Kb, total downloads: 424)

Last modified: April 22, 2009