
Scientific publications

Рабчевский Е.А.
Автоматическое построение онтологий на основе лексико-синтаксических шаблонов для информационного поиска
Rabchevsky E.A. Automatic ontology construction based on lexical-syntactic patterns for information retrieval // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Research Conference RCDL'2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 69-77
The problem of automatic construction of ontology on a basis of semantic analysis of natural language is under discussion. The use of lexical-syntactic patterns is suggested. Syntax and semantics of language of lexical-syntactic patterns is considered. Developed software is able to
- store the patterns and text's corpora in Russian language database;
- edit and validate patterns on the Russian language on the corpora of Russian language texts;
- make semantic analysis of texts' corpora on a basis of patterns.
The results of the method is suggested to evaluate as a quality of information retrieval. The definition of term in the information retrieval model based on TF/IDF is been changed to RDF triple. The results of the given model application to ROMIP seminar tasks are discussed.

Automatic ontology construction based on lexical-syntactic patterns for information retrieval (236 Kb, total downloads: 188)

Last modified: October 16, 2009