
Scientific publications

Ломов П.А., Шишаев М.Г.
Разработка метода семантической интеграции информации в сфере государственного и муниципального управления
Lomov P.A., Shishaev M.G. Ontological semantics of the text: formatting of interpretation in the semantic dictionary // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Research Conference RCDL'2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 78-85
This paper offers the approach of semantic integration of information in domain of the state and municipal administration with using shared thesaurus, which allows to eliminate some critical for the considered subject domain disadvantages of existing approaches. The conceptual model of the thesaurus was presented. The procedure of mapping concepts of ontologies in the thesaurus was described. Also, the technique of the definition and comparison of ontological contexts on the base of a set of the general attributes was introduced.

Ontological semantics of the text: formatting of interpretation in the semantic dictionary (375 Kb, total downloads: 117)

Last modified: October 16, 2009