
Scientific publications

Сальникова Е.Е., Сальников С.А., Кузнецов С.Д.
Управление контентом в крупных научно-технических Internet-библиотеках
Salnikova E.E., Salnikov S.A., Kuznetsov S.D. Content Management in Large Technological Internet Libraries // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Research Conference RCDL'2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 193-199
Existing Web content management systems (WCMSs) are not designed for technological Internet libraries containing documents of unlimited size. Based on many years of experience in development and maintenance of the CifForum Internet library the authors define a set of functional requirements for a Web content management system appropriate for this task. Key features of existing systems are discussed, and their inadequacy for this kind of usage is justified. Then, open source components which can be used to build a new system are briefly considered. Finally, some considerations on possible ways to migrate content of old Internet libraries to the new environment and on other possible applications of the proposed system are presented.

Content Management in Large Technological Internet Libraries (246 Kb, total downloads: 145)

Last modified: October 19, 2009