
Scientific publications

Кормалев Д.А., Куршев Е.П., Сулейманова Е.А., Трофимов И.В.
Извлечение информации из текста в системе ИСИДА-Т
Kormalev D.A., Kurshev E.P., Suleimanova E.A., Trofimov I.V. Information extraction in ISIDA-T system // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Research Conference RCDL'2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 247-253
The article discusses methods and techniques for information extraction from natural-language texts, as they are implemented in ISIDA-T system. Emphasis is made on knowledge representation and recognition of textual situations.

Information extraction in ISIDA-T system (252 Kb, total downloads: 364)

Last modified: October 16, 2009