Scientific publications
Абрамов В.Е., Абрамова Н.Н., Карнацкая А.А., Рожков В.М.
Корпоративная переводческая сеть с использованием специальных электронных библиотек
// Электронные библиотеки: перспективные методы и технологии, электронные коллекции: Труды XI Всероссийской научной конференции RCDL'2009. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. C. 284-289
Abramov V.E., Abramova N.N., Karnatskaja A.A., Rozhkov V.M. Corporate translation Network using special digital Libraries // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Research Conference RCDL'2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 284-289
The article describes an IBM Lotus Domino/Notes corporate translation network interconnecting several automated translator workstations (AWS). The development of the system was aimed at automating the translation process to meet the modern quality and speed standards of translation. The system is based on the translator memory principles when a great body of manually translated texts in four languages (Russian, English, French and Spanish) is used. Components of the AWS are described and examples of system's functioning are given.
Corporate translation Network using special digital Libraries (295 Kb, total downloads: 121)
Last modified: October 16, 2009