
Scientific publications

Кирейчук А.Г., Лобанов А.Л., Смирнов И.С., Вахитов А.Т., Воронина Е.П., Пугачев О.Н.
Виртуальные коллекции животных и интерактивные определители биологических объектов
Kireitchuk A.G., Lobanov A.L., Smirnov I.S., Vakhitov A.T., Voronina E.P., Pugachev O.N. Digital animal collection and interactive keys of biological objects // Digital Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Digital Collections: Proceedings of the XI All-Russian Research Conference RCDL'2009. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 2009. Pp. 400-407
Elaboration of digital collections, identification keys and ways of ecological monitoring requires more intensive usage of more complex computer technologies. Increasing necessity of estimation and preservation of a biodiversity under anthropogenic action for last years makes this problem particularly important. Wide expansion of the Windows operational system and Internet makes also actual a translation of programs of input and work with keys on this environment, and also data presentation of systems on the Internet for more efficient use of available resources of management and information. Identification keys allow to structure diverse information and to fulfil a fast-access retrieval of it in different sources.

Digital animal collection and interactive keys of biological objects (214 Kb, total downloads: 440)

Last modified: October 16, 2009