Scientific publications
Методика полевых работ и архивное хранение фольклорных, этнографических и лингвистических материалов
Отв. ред. к.ф.н. В.П.Кузнецова.
Материалы научно-практического семинара. г.Петрозаводск, 23-24 марта 2009 г. Петрозаводск: КарНЦ РАН, 2009. 148 с.
This publication includes materials of the scientific seminar that was held in Petrozavodsk in March 2009. It was the third seminar where participated folklorists, ethnographers, linguists that make field research. The seminar united specialists that work in scientific, research, educational, cultural organizations of the Republic of Karelia and Moscow. The book describes folklore, ethnographic and linguistic archives, new laboratories where field materials, used in scientific research and cultural and educational activities, are stored and systemized. The articles present results and methods of the field work.
The publication is meant for researchers, educators and also for every person interested in folklore, national traditions and language.
The publication is meant for researchers, educators and also for every person interested in folklore, national traditions and language.
Pole_work.pdf (3.4 Mb, total downloads: 1292)
Articles in proceedings:
Last modified: May 30, 2016