Scientific publications
Л.В. Аникиева, Н.Н. Тютюнник, В.С. Аниканова.
Роль гуморальных факторов естественной защиты при токсаскаридозе песцов
// Труды КарНЦ РАН. No 3. Сер. Экспериментальная биология. 2009. C. 4-7
L.V. Anikieva, N.N. Tyutyunnik, V.S. Anikanova. Non-specific factors of immunity in arctic foxes (alopex lagopus l.) with toxascaridosis // Transactions of Karelian Research Centre of Russian Academy of Science. No 3. Experimental biology. 2009. Pp. 4-7
Keywords: humoral factors (complement, lysozyme, beta-lysine), arctic foxes, nematode Toxascaris leonina, host infestation dose, helminth developmental stage.
The effect of the host infestation doze of 10, 100 and 1000 eggs and developmental stages of the nematode Toxascaris leonina Leiper 1907 on non-specific factors of immunity in arctic fox was studied experimentally.
trudy_200903_004-7.pdf (111 Kb, total downloads: 609)
Last modified: April 6, 2010